For your fitment data to sync up with your listing, you must have the following information match up precisely as your Amazon account.
- Brand ID
- Part Number (Manufacture Part Number on Amazon)
ACES data is used for all vehicle-specific automotive products on Each product on Amazon has an identifier called the Amazon Standard Item Number (ASIN). Amazon has a build process to “matches” ACES records to ASINs based on two attributes: brand name and normalized part number. You will have to add your four-digit AAIA brand code that is associated with your brand name on your Amazon account before you submit your data to Amazon.
Here is a step by step guide.
Step 1:
When add a new part:
When you add a new part in PCFitment, please make sure the part number matches your “Manufacturer Part Number” on Amazon:
Important! Part number is case-sensitive.
Step 2:
When Submit to Amazon:
It is crucial to keep the correct Brand while submitting fitments to Amazon. Amazon requires the relevant Brand Code in your ACES data header. You can find your Brand ID on .
If you are not sure about your brand name, go to your product page on Amazon and check Technical Details, your brand name is next to Brand. (example: brand name is ACDelco).
Go to and log in. Search your Brand in the search box, and you will get your brand information.
Put your brand code into the “Submit To Amazon” page in PCFitment like below.
Here “BCVC” is your Brand Code which you need to put in “Brand aaiaid” box into “Submit to Amazon” page.
There is another box too. Let’s see one by one.
- Company Name: Here you need to put your Company name.
- Sender name: Here you need to put your name.
- Sender phone: Here you need to put your phone number.
- Document title: Here you should keep any title like “ACES Data” or “Fitments Data”
- Brand aaiaid: It is very important, here you need to put correct Brand ID as we have mentioned above.
- Transfer date: You can put “today” date.
- Effective date: You can put “today” date.
Step 3:
Submission Report:
After filling all details, you will click on the “Submit to Amazon” button, and your aces XML will be created and submitted to Amazon. Once Amazon received your data, It matches the Brand and Manufacturer Part Number and Add/Update/Delete fitments as per your request in that Brand.
After submitting fitments to Amazon, PCFitment will send you an email with a submission report like below.
You can check your fitments on amazon store after one week after submission (it usually will take up to one week to Add/Update/Delete fitments).
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