Every month Automotive Aftermarket Industry Association (AAIA) publish new vehicle information as well as update some vehicle information. It is very difficult for end user to know that what changes are made by AAIA and how to update their fitment as per the changes.
PCFitments overcome this difficulty for the end user. Using PCFitment, you can revalidate and correct your fitments if any changes made by AAIA. To do this please follow below:
Step 1:
Whenever AAIA publish vehicle information, we send notification to all of PCFitment user to revalidate their fitment like below.
In the above screen you will see the notification with two button “Not Now” and “Run Validation”. “Not Now” button will hide the notification message for a day.
When you click on Run Validation button you will get a confirmation message like below:
After clicking on “Validate tonight” your data is going to validation process. You will get an email once your data is validated like below.
You will also get a notification message on Dashboard like below.
Step 2:
Once validation process is over it is possible that some parts and fitments are invalid due to AAIA update. You can see invalid parts or fitments after move to “My Parts & Fitment” navigation.
Select “Parts with Error” option from the right top dropdown and you will get all the Parts in grid which have error or contain error fitments.
Step 3:
Click on pointed link, you will move to fitment page.
Step 4:
Click on Error Fitments tab.
Step 5:
Click on “View & Edit” link and you will get a popup with solution.
Select appropriate option and click on “Update”.
As you see in popup there is a checkbox which has an option where you can apply that update to other fitments that have the same error.
Step 6:
Now, you will see that your fitments will be moved to saved fitments tab from Error Fitments tab.
Note: Sometime (if Base Vehicle become invalid) you need to delete your fitments.
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